Mendix upgrade preparation time!

Mendix upgrade preparation time!

It's been too long since my last post, but I genuinely have been too busy developing apps and growing our Mendix business to carve some time out to write (just ask my family!) That said, I wanted to get a few notes written down to help me remember a few things as we prepare our apps for the update process and maybe key other readers in on oft-overlooked features of the latest releases of Mendix to help them prepare as well.It's been too long since my last post, but I genuinely have been too busy developing apps and growing our Mendix business to carve some time out to write (just ask my family!) That said, I wanted to get a few notes written down to help me remember a few things as we prepare our apps for the update process and maybe key other readers in on oft-overlooked features of the latest releases of Mendix to help them prepare as well.

Handling CDATA in a WSDL response with Mendix

Handling CDATA in a WSDL response with Mendix

This past week while working on a module in Mendix that required the consumption of a web service, I ran into the situation where the response was CDATA. I hadn’t encountered that before so I did a bit of research. Apparently this is used to extend and change API’s without changing the structure of the WSDL. This makes a lot of sense since once an API is created there can be 1 to n number of other systems using it and any change will require all of the end users to change their work. If you’ve ever encountered this or want to understand how to deal with parsing CDATA in Mendix, read on!

Mendix OQL Help

Mendix OQL Help

Yesterday I was writing a report in Mendix for one of my clients and I hit a few different walls. For those that have worked with OQL and Mendix, you've undoubtedly hit the same walls. I searched for some help and frankly found very little. That's probably because it's a lightly used feature in the platform and therefore hasn't gotten a lot of attention from the development team for quite a while, which I completely understand, but I figured that as long as I'm using it and learning more about it, I should capture what I'm learning to help others out there that are hitting those same walls.

How to build a Mendix Security Model – Part 2 Entity Vs. UI

How to build a Mendix Security Model – Part 2 Entity Vs. UI

Last time in this series, I wrote about the concept of roles and ways to design roles for a Mendix application. This time I’m going to talk about implementing security in the Entity and how that compares to setting up security in the User Interface (UI).